Regents Diploma
To earn a Regents diploma a student must complete a minimum of 22 units of credit and pass five New York State Regents exams with a score of 65 or higher. Required exams include one each in the areas of English, mathematics,social studies and science. The requirement for a fifth exam can be met by passing an addiitonal NYS approved exam in English, math, science, social studies, career and technical edcuation (CTE), the arts or a language other than English.
Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation
Students pursuing the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation must complete a minimum of 22 units of credit, pass a mimum of eight NYS Regents exams with a score of 65 or higher and complete additional exam or credit requirements in the areas of math, science, social studies, career and technical education (CTE), the arts or a language other than English. Students should consult their counselors for more specific information about the pathways to this diploma option.
New York State Honors
A student earning either a Regents Diploma or a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation can also receive the designation "with Honors" from New York State by earning a minimum average of 90.00 on all required regents exams. Rounding up averages is not permitted.
Local Diploma
The local diploma option is available to students with disabilities. To be eligible for this diploma option, all students must earn a mimum of 22 credits.
Students with disabilities who earn Regents exam scores of 55-64 are eligible for a local diploma. Students with disabilities may also earn a local diploma using the compensatory option where a Regents exam score of 65 or higher on one of the required exams may be used to compensate for a score of 45-54 on a different exam. Students must earn a score of at least 55 on the ELA Regents exam and one math Regents exam to meet requirements for the compensatory option. Students should consult with their case managers or counselors for more information.
Exit Credential Options for Students with Disabilities
Where appropriate, a student with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) who is unable to attain the requirements for a Regents or local diploma may be awarded one of two non-diploma exiting credentials - the Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential (CDOS) or the Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC). These credentials are awarded upon completion of the individual education program objectives as developed and approved by the Committee on Special Education (CSE).